Back in business

After a long winterbreak I increased my training efforts. I'm trying to get back into my routine of power training, biking, jogging and hiking. It's still another 432 days to the start of the expedition but we all know that time runs fast. Since a few weeks Stef Maginelle, another member of the gasherbrum expedition, and myself  are doing our weekly endurance run, increasing the distance steadely.

Our quest for sponsor is still in progress. We contacted a lot of companies but almost all found an excuse not to support us, frustating when you see our sponsor file and the media attention we can generate. Those companies simply don't see the potential our expeditions holds.

But anyhow our quest continues and the lack of sponsors will not keep us from conquering those mountains. 

I want to thank our partners who do believe in us : De Meuter, Adidas Eyewear,  Bergsport Vlaams Brabant.


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