First Presentation

STef Wolput doing his presentation in front of Miss Meeusen class 3 of the Klimop Wespelaar

A few weeks ago I had my first presentation about my climbing experiences. It was the most difficult public ever, 16 eight year olds,my daughters class. I was big fun, me dressed in my full downs and expedition boots, sweating like hell. They were all impressed and full attention. I talked for more then an hour about Nepal, it's people, the trek, the gear, the climb.  Maybe one day one of the youngster will take up climbing as well.  Thank you Miss Meeusen for letting me do my thing.

Commentaren: 1 (Discussie gesloten)
  • #1

    Jenna Wolput (donderdag, 01 maart 2012)

    Dag papa,
    Ik vind je super tof en ik vind dat je super goed kan klimmen