After the evening talking to Stef I've been thinking and made a decision to turn my climbing program completely around and abandon for the time being the 7 summit track. Suprisingly? No not at all, if you know my moto: "The Summit doesn't move but he journeys endless." Yes, you understood it very well, no Kilimanjaro and Mount Kenya climb in february but in stead I will head to Nepal to climb 2 mountains, Mera Peak (6500m) and Baruntse (7125m) in October 2011. Both mountains are rated as easy snow climbs; but never underestimate a climb and the altitude. Now why this sudden change? Doing these climb has more added value then a Kili climb and increase my learning curve as Big E stays my objective in the long run. On Baruntse I will get my first hands on training with fixed line climbing, working with Sherpa's, expedition life, get to see Nepal and my first glimpse of Everest, Lhotse, Makalu etc... and hopefully will bring me over the 7000 meter mark, a big step.
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